Thursday, October 22, 2015

Proposed Fellowship-wide Group Conscience

The following was forwarded to one of our members. Once again, it appears that there is a challenge to the validity of S-Anon Couples in Recovery groups. Our readers are encouraged to participate in the proposed steering committee.

As you know, the proposed plan to prepare for a fellowship-wide group conscience (FGC) on the couples’ meeting issue includes the development of a motion to the WSC and six supporting documents. The approved plan is attached for your reference.  

We need volunteers to work on this project. Any member of S-Anon can participate. Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in participating.

We are forming a Steering Committee for the project. Writing teams (see below) will submit their work to this committee by February 1, 2016. The Steering Committee will then work to make sure that all documentation is concise, easily understandable and ready for submission to the WSCC before the April 1, 2016 deadline for motions. If you want to be a part of the Steering Committee, contact Gayla at by Friday, October 30, 2015.  

Seven writing teams will be formed. Each team will be dedicated to working on one of the following topics. If you or someone you know is interested in participating on one or more of the writing teams, please indicate your interest by emailing by Friday, October 30. Those who indicate interest will be assembled into writing teams. Each team will decide for itself how the document is going to be produced. The deadline for producing the documents is February 1, 2016.  All documents must be concise and easily understandable.

Below are the seven documents that the writing teams will be developing:

1.       The Motion: This team will prepare the motion that will be submitted to the 2016 WSC. This document will include the exact wording for the questions that will be posed in the FGC, explain why this issue warrants the time and expense of a FGC, outline the case for and against conducting a FCG, and explain how the FGC will be conducted in order to insure integrity in the process. This section will include voting methods, how votes will be submitted, approximate timeframes and the vote tally/reporting process.

2.       Argument for Couples’ Meetings: A white paper written in motion form making the case for allowing couples’ meetings to exist as a part of in S-Anon. Maximum length: 2 pages.

3.       Argument Against Couples’ Meeting: A white paper written in motion form making the case against allowing couples meetings to exist as a part of S-Anon. Maximum length: 2 pages.

4.       History: A white paper tracing the history of couples’ meetings in S-Anon. This document will provide a narrative and timeline explaining how couples’ meetings got their start, what (if any) involvement SA had in the process, and how the group conscience on the status of couples’ meetings has evolved over time.

5.       Position paper on the implications of Traditions Four and Six on this question. This position paper will answer the following questions:

a.       Is a change in the status of couples’ meetings an issue that affects Sexaholics Anonymous as a whole, and as such, requires their involvement or buy-in?

b.       What, if any, role should Sexaholics Anonymous have in the decision to change the status of couples meetings and/or remove couples’ meetings from S-Anon?


6.       Scenario Document 1: A scenario document outlining all the feasible courses of action regarding the status of couples’ meetings if the group conscience reveals that couples’ meetings should be allowed to exist in S-Anon. This document will touch upon the following points:

a.       A description of the various status options for couples meetings if they are permitted in S-Anon, including no change to the current “open meeting/non-registered status,” making couples’ meetings registered meetings with rights and privileges identical to registered meetings, or something else.

7.       Scenario Document 2: A scenario document outlining several possible courses of action that might play out if the FGC reveals that couples’ meetings should not be allowed to exist as a part of S-Anon. This document will touch upon the following points:

a.       Implications for couples meetings at International Conventions
b.       How couples’ meetings might continue to exist outside of S-Anon
c.        Implications for the reprinting of literature that mentions couples’ meetings, including costs

If you have any questions, please contact Gayla at

Gayla Z.
Executive Director
S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc.
P.O. Box 17294
Nashville, TN 37217

Office: 615.833.3152
Toll-Free: 800.210.8141
Mobile: 615.400.1333
On the web:

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